Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2nd Super Post

This is the best post ever!!! It is also one of the biggest! Check out the Fate. Its armor is in the making. One of the pictures shows the bones of the Fate which is used to animate the model. I also knew since the beginning that the eyes needed to be a lot more realistic. So, I sort of gave him pupils. The flap on his lower back goes up and down with the tail. His teeth are done, his helmet is basically done, but jaw may need alittle more work. Another great thing is that I got permission to use a full body man model in order to do the Bane, Fate, Ranger, Soldiers, and for the first time mentioned, the King. Also an improved screenshot from the "Marching and Talking" scene with a cool motion blur, and the beginnings of texturing. The soldier swords do look stupid right now, but their in the making. Well! I hope y'all enjoyed this Super Post! See ya!

PS- Although we stalled for a long time, I have 110% faith that we will finish this movie on time.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Footage Has Begun!!!

As you can see I have been doing little things at once. The Bane Sword, City Flags, and.....OH look! The teeth of the Fate. Then there is the first scene that I have been layering to make it more and more realistic. This basically means that the footage has begun. I will soon be able to have a layout of each scene and add to it as I go. This will make things a lot easier! Got more stuff to show y'all later! See ya!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The LMP Machine Takes Off!!!

The Fate of the Bane is once again up and running, and so is the new computer. She's now the new ultimate LMP super station used to do animation, modeling, sound effects, music, texturing, and much more. It is all we need in order to finish the movie. I have had many doubts about whether the movie will be finished in time or not, but I think that a few changes in schedule will change that. (There will be some major changes as far as trailer release dates). We hope to succeed in finishing this awesome project in time for the contest.

As you can see- I'VE BEEN WORKING!!! The new and improved Fate is starting to take shape. The helmet is becoming more elegant and more aerodynamic. It is designed for speeds up to 500 mph. In other words, theses guys are FAST!!!! If you look closely, you can see that I've started on the teeth. Though I haven't decided if it will have teeth or a beak. The neck needs working on too. Also the LMP logo is going to be different in the Trailer. (In the end, we will decide which one is the best) From here on out, I will be posting quite frequently on the movie. Well! I've gotta go! Got lots of movie work to do! See ya!!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Save the Movie!

Since the computer crashed, I have gone through many troubleshooting steps. It all came down to wiping my computer clean of all files, including 3d models. It so happens that I saved all the movie models onto a disc about a week before the crash happened. All of the files were saved.....except for one. The new Fate model that I have been posting lately is still on the computer and so is a lot of other important. For one thing, THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE THE MOVIE is still on the computer. The only way to save the Fate and and the program is if my hard drive (which is thing that is causing the problem) lets me back up my files. I've tried saving them to a CD, floppy, and USB device. It won't do it. So, the last thing to try is to take out my hard drive, put it into Matt's (Assistant Director) computer and transfer all my files to his computer, then to a disc. I suspect it is possible it won't work. If it doesn't, we will be in a hole. Let us hope that we can save The Fate of the Bane.


Unfortunately the movie is at a halt right now due to technical problems. Our system has had some failures and we are unable to do any modeling or animating fir the time being. So, the best thing to do is get the voicing and sound effects out of the way. This is very frustrating moment for me. I'm afraid we will not be continuing on the movie until I finish building my computer.


Say Hey to PUSHED again!

The good news is that the Trailer will INCREDIBLE!!! The bad news is the only way to do that, I have to push the Trailer date till July 25th. It may be pushed again, but I doubt it. The Super trailer will be September 6th.

Neck Plates!

This is the beginning works of the Fate neck. I am now working on the torsol, then I will do the arms and legs, then I will texture the Fate, Rigg it, and animate it. Sounds easy enough....

Taking Shape

I am now redesigning the Fate. It looked so plain! I was prompted to make it look more elegant and get the point across that they are the good guys. So, I have decided that it is time to finish the Fate COMPLETELY. It'll look great! I suspect it should be totally modeled by the end of next week. I can only hope.

PS- The Trailer may not come out till the end of July or beginning of August.

The 1st Super Post

These are some old city concepts and building concepts. Although the city ones will not be used in the final movie, the buildings will. They're still under construction, but they'll be finished soon. For the past week, I have been thinking about what scene I should shoot first. I came up with it. I will be posting a scene where the Ranger is placing the Celestone (magical stone that summons the Fate) on the top of the citadel tower it will be one of the only posted scenes on the blog. Anyways, although the movie is going slow, I can still make it through.The goal is not to get into the contest, but to finish this film!

Long time no See!

Sorry about the long wait! I will post the 1st Super Post in a while. Today hopefully!
A Super Post is basically a very large post.

Take Cover!!!

Those soldiers are gonna need cover, even though it probably won't save'em. These miny hideouts on the wall were designed for defending the walls. They are built for archers. The only down-turn of this is that......the soldiers won't need these. But its gotta look realistic. Hope y'all like it!


I am finally expanding! I just got done selling my Xbox 360 for $300. I'll be getting more money too. I'm using it to build anew computer. It'll have Windows Vista for sure!

Say Hello!

Here is the new and improved wall of the city! It is exactly as I imagined it. I'll have to ask the crew what they think though. Well, I'll continue to bring new things!


I found the perfect body for the Bane. The problem is that some guy put this created and put this model on www.3dm3.com for free, with no contact information, 3 years ago! We usaually ask permission to use models, but this may look ok. This is a matter that must be discussed with the crew.

I am trying to put animations on the blog. I've got one that is terribly unfinished that I 'm trying to post.

Turbo Charged!!!

The movie finally is taking its toll and becoming what it's supposed to be. Although the Teaser was disappointing, I look at the good in it all. I have watched it many times, and I now understand why it was a success. "Effort".

I am now working on the first scene of the movie where the Ranger swings by through the mist on his grappling chain. The ranger is shown above. You will know the characters when I post the script. Anyways, it's underway and it's going pretty good. As you can see above, things are taking a leap!

Disappointed, but Motivated.

I have to say that I am quite disappointed with the Teaser Trailer, but for some reason I see it in a good way. It has motivated me to make the Trailer the best of the best. I have decided to sell my Xbox 360 (Temporarily till Halo 3 is released) for $300 dollars so that I can build a computer. The thing is while I was making the Teaser Trailer, I noticed that that things were running very slowly. So, with the genius of my Brother In Law Andrew, I have decided to take it upon myself to sell it. Believe me! I do not want to sell it! But, " You gotta do what ya gotta do!", as Rocky Balboa says. I will just have to re buy some of my Xbox games for the PC, which is better. Anyways, I assure you all that the Trailer will be the BEST of the BEST!!!

TT-DVD Released!!!

It was successful! The Teaser Trailer was released! Although the Simp. vs. FG didn't make it on the DVD, everything else did! Although I am glad that it's done, I was disappointed with how it looked, it just didn't feel right. The music was great, but it didn't give the feel I wanted. Next time I'll have to describe to Bart how I want it to found or feel. Other than that, it was a success and I'm good with that! It is time to start shooting the actual movie! Prepare to be amazed at how things change from here on out! The Trailer will be amazing without a doubt!See y'all June 9th................or July 4th. (Hint Hint)

Cutting it Close!

I'm very crammed today! The Teaser Trailer will be done by tomorrow, I hope. Bart Allen's music is just coming in today. I still have some scenes that need finishing! Not all the trailers are done! I'm seriously considering postponing the TT till Monday, but I'm not going to give up! I'll stay up all night if I have to! It's just not turning out the way I imagined! The only reason why I'm not postponing is because I can't tell the future. Anyways, we'll just have to see how things go. I will post today if it is postponed. As soon as the Teaser Trailer is released from its cage, I am going to make this blog public.

The TT is Pulled!

The TT is being released on Friday the 6th! It's looks great! It's going to have an intense end like the AT (Announcement Trailer). It'll actually be completely done on Thursday! nfortunately, the Star Wars Exile Trailer will not be finished in time. So, I'm putting an impressive previsual on the TT-DVD just to show off my animation skills. There will still be other short trailers such as The Telestials, Stronghelm, and The Simpsons Meet the Family Guy. It'll still be a wonderful trailer with lots of animation and flashy exciting things in it. Anyways, see y'all on the 6th.

May Be Used

Just like the Ranger head, I might be using other peoples models, with their permission. The Bane body came from a model of the Hulk. The Fate body is also someone elses. I've already asked them. So, lets pray that I'll get an answer, and that it is a good one. Hope you like the Fate picture! It will be tweaked quite a bit!

The Future Trailer

The Trailer will be "the biggy" as I call it. The AT (Announcement Trailer) and the TT (Teaser Trailer) are very different from what comes next. The Trailer will include actual footage from the movie. So, it will be a lot more like a trailer and a lot more interesting. It will be the biggest and most exciting event beside the movie release. The effort being put into it is beyond all imagination (to those who don't know a thing about 3d animation). Peoples jaws will drop to the floor. I'm basically starting on it next week. I'm so excited!!! Here is the first image having the least bit to do with the Trailer. I Love It!!! As you can see, a bane is about to take its first swing EVER in The Fate of the Bane. See ya June 9th!


The DVD for The Fate of the Bane Teaser Trailer will be a lot bigger than the Announcement Trailer DVD, which I will be handing out to family and friends soon. The TT DVD (Teaser Trailer) as it is called, will include the TFOTB Teaser Trailer, the Star Wars: The Exile trailer, a Family Guy and Simpsons special, and a small trailer for a new movie idea called The Telestials. The DVD may include more, but I'm not going to worry about that. It's going to be awesome! I can't wait to show it!

Deadline Pushed

The deadline for the Teaser Trailer is being pushed till April 9th, which is a Monday. The reason why is because Bart Allen is unable to finish the music in time. That's why it'll have to wait another week. It's coming by pretty good though. The Teaser Trailer is still in the making, but it really is looking good! Here's the final Teaser Trailer image I'm going to post.

Trailer Unleashed

I can tell that the trailer is going to be great! It is definitely underway and it looks like Matthew Leiberum and Christian Craig (Assistant Director & Producer) will see the trailer before it is released. (Probably this weekend.) It won't be completely done, but it'll be enough to show them what it'll look like! I'm doing some stuff on the movie today. So I'll post some pictures later. :)

Axe & Teaser

Check out that axe! That thing sure needs sharpening! And that Fate attack looks hot! LMP seems to have A LOT of supporters!

These are pictures from the unfinished version of the Teaser Trailer. Just to let you know, the teaser trailer will be pretty weird. (Meaning it will be very different from the other trailer.)

Good & Old News

I haven't been able to post any thing. I've been pulling 1000 pound handcarts through the rain on the Pioneer Trek. Just type in Mormon Trek at http://www.chron.com/. This week I'll be sending the Teaser Trailer to Bart Allan so that he can write some music to it. The only problem is I only have 2 more weeks till the debut of the Teaser Trailer. So, he'll have to be quick. I'm mostly doing weapons this week, and I'll be finishing up the Fate and the Bane head. I'll post a few pictures this week. :)
PS- Giloosh gave me permission to use the face model!
PPS- The finalized body for the Bane will be presented soon!

Let there be Light

I must say he has beautiful eyes, and his helmet is lovely. These....are the eyes....of the Fate.

The Fate Strikes Back! Wall...not so much

Went at it today thinking it would look great, but it only looked good. I didn't get much done on the Fate, but I'll have to be patient with that . I've got a possible body mesh idea for the Bane here. As you can see, the finished head is blurred out. And, here's the bad news. The wall looks terrible. I will have to change some things on it. It's just way too simple and repetitive. Ah, no big deal. I'll have the new one built soon. Well, I hope you all like what I've got!

The Fate Strikes Back!

That's right, the Bane head is basically done. Now it's time to take it up a notch! I'll be continuing on the Fate this week. Plus I'll be doing the city, weapons, and the Taeser Trailer which is do by April 1st. I'll be posting pictures later.

Don't Stop Till They're Found!

I have not gotten confirmation that I can use this head model. So, I might go looking for more of these just in case I am unable to contact this guy. This head model would be used for soldiers, the ranger, the KING. OOPS!!! I said too much. Anyways, It's all set. I'm starting on the teaser trailer on Wednesday. I'll post some pictures later.

Presenting! The Ranger!

First thing's first! I did not model this! This model was free from a fellow modeler/animator on my favorite 3d Website http://www.turbosquid.com/. His nickname is Giloosh, and he will be thanked, IF he lets me use this! Whether or not I do use it, it sure will look as good or better than this! I will be animating it myself though. By the way, that bottom image looks like he saw a ghost......or a Bane. (hint hint)

P.S.- My original goal was to make everything myself, but the crew and I discussed it and we decided that it was appropriate to borrow models with permission,


The Musical Score

I finally got back in contact with the music director. His name is Bart Allan and he's still in! He will MOST LIKELY be doing the music for the upcoming trailer. If it has the right feel to it, I may make the Original Score or the Theme Music for The Fate of the Bane. I have a lot of faith that the music will be excellent! Considering that this guy does it for a living. We owe everything to him! Thanks Brother Allan! :)

Teaser Official

It's Official! The Teaser Trailer will definitely be shown released on April 1st on the dot! I can't wait till I'm finished! It'll be better than the Announcement Trailer! Definitely! Plus, everything will be original! The music is being done by Bart Allan! I will hopefully be showing it to Stephanie's family at the next Family Home Evening! The above image is the ad for the Teaser Trailer for..... The Fate of the Bane.

P.S.- Thanks Christopher, Leilani, and Gary for the comments! I really appreciate your support!

Love Y'all!!!


ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) is the special effects company for Star Wars. I just thought it was cool that our company sounds so similar. I hope to work for ILM some day if we don't get the studio up and running. Anyways, here are some pictures from Star Wars: The Exile, and Stick Soldiers. Just be patient, I'll be getting back to The Fate of the Bane soon. FOR GOODNESS SAKE! KEEP YOUR PANTS ON!!!


I'm making a small NON-PROFIT video for the possible NON-PROFIT Star Wars: The Exile movie. This video features the typical beginning up scroll of a Star Wars movie and some spaceship flybys. The image above is an actual screenshot.

P.S.- I will be showing this right before The Fate of the Bane Teaser Trailer on April 1st.

The Secret

Practice Week & STICK SOLDIERS

Sorry I didn't post pictures yesterday. I was busy. Unfortunately I am unable to work on the movie from this Friday till next Saturday. So, I decided to practice a little bit with some elements that will make the movie more realistic. In doing this I am going to make a Game Play video of Stick Soldiers. It should be a lot of fun. I will post it in two weeks to see how y'all like it! I promise I will post those pictures I didn't post yesterday.


Although I need to speak with the crew first, I've decided it would be best if we literally tease the audience in the Teaser Trailer. I will be taking the finished Bane and Fate heads, covering them with a cloth, then revealing the smooth, beautifully textured models. They will actually be covered and hidden from the crew for now, just to spice things up. I'll be entering some pictures later today.

Wall of Happiness

I talked to Christian, and when I brought up the Bane model, he said, "It looks great!" I was happy to hear that, especially when it isn't even finished yet. Well, today I have 2 things to show. One is the current Bane status. It's looking finished, but not quite. I "should" be done with it by tomorrow. The other picture shows the beginning works of the city wall. Buildings are my specialty. They are very easy to model, and require very little animation. Hope y'all like it!

P.S.- On Tuesday I'm starting on the Ranger. Yippee!!!

Stick Soldiers

I spent the majority if my day working on my video game Stick Soldiers, but don't worry, I'm staying on task. The Fate of the Bane is the priority. Gotta Focus....Gotta Focus. :)