Friday, June 8, 2007

The Future Trailer

The Trailer will be "the biggy" as I call it. The AT (Announcement Trailer) and the TT (Teaser Trailer) are very different from what comes next. The Trailer will include actual footage from the movie. So, it will be a lot more like a trailer and a lot more interesting. It will be the biggest and most exciting event beside the movie release. The effort being put into it is beyond all imagination (to those who don't know a thing about 3d animation). Peoples jaws will drop to the floor. I'm basically starting on it next week. I'm so excited!!! Here is the first image having the least bit to do with the Trailer. I Love It!!! As you can see, a bane is about to take its first swing EVER in The Fate of the Bane. See ya June 9th!


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