Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2nd Super Post

This is the best post ever!!! It is also one of the biggest! Check out the Fate. Its armor is in the making. One of the pictures shows the bones of the Fate which is used to animate the model. I also knew since the beginning that the eyes needed to be a lot more realistic. So, I sort of gave him pupils. The flap on his lower back goes up and down with the tail. His teeth are done, his helmet is basically done, but jaw may need alittle more work. Another great thing is that I got permission to use a full body man model in order to do the Bane, Fate, Ranger, Soldiers, and for the first time mentioned, the King. Also an improved screenshot from the "Marching and Talking" scene with a cool motion blur, and the beginnings of texturing. The soldier swords do look stupid right now, but their in the making. Well! I hope y'all enjoyed this Super Post! See ya!

PS- Although we stalled for a long time, I have 110% faith that we will finish this movie on time.


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