Friday, February 29, 2008

Back for More: The Big Leap

Well, what can I say. The Fate of the Bane was unsuccessful. However, this has been no time of sitting around moping about it. I have been putting together a trilogy for the movie over the past 6 months. This summer I have decided to go ahead and give people an idea of what these full length pictures may look like. I'll be showing animation cinematics, drawings, story details, and hopefully some video taped meetings.

This is it in a nutshell. The Fate of the Bane was to be a 5 minute clip of a battle that does take place in the big picture. Little did I any everyone else know that this was a world that was unfolding in my imagination. It has expanded IMMENSELY. There is so much to tell. I cannot express it in this post. The best way to conclude this post is to propose a few things.

1- The 3 parts of the trilogy will be called "Born", "Bane", and "Fate".

2- The script for Born will begin in June.

3- The name of the trilogy will be called "The Fate of the Bane Trilogy".


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