Friday, August 31, 2007

The Fate Concept

The Fate just about ready for the documentary. I just have to fix some rigging issues and FINISH rigging a few things. (Rigging means to make it so that it can move all its limbs). This is a short video of the Fate. I will be posting a lot of these. Hope y'all like it.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Live or Real

I've given some thought to changing the logo to Realistic Mastered Productions instead of
Live Mastered Productions. I still have to discuss it with my producer and assistant. The
has been called to a Mid-Term. What's going to happen is the film will be a documentary of how far we have gotten, along with a couple cool battle scenes to show off. If we win, we will bring the movie to a halt and start on our next project, but if we lose, we will continue on it, and I don't know exactly what to do from there.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

It's Coming!...IN SHORT?

Yes, the movie is being shortened into a trailer for the better good. It'll leave me and my crew more time to render and send in the DVD to Culture Shapers(the contest). Besides that, it's coming along well. As you can see, the Bane is awesome. the hammer is about finished and I'm working on the sword right now. All is well! And the movie will be great!